Modern Art and Non-Duality

Philosopher Paul Brunton says,

We have seen how the simple statement, “I see a tree before me,” will, if properly analyzed lead its utterer all the long way from materialism to mentalism. The whole wonder of world creation lies in this simple operation.

The Wisdom of the Overself

(Mentalism is Paul Brunton’s term for non-duality.)

What does it mean to say, “I see,” to experience seeing? This was the central focus of modern art and the subject we will take up by looking at the artwork and writings of Cezanne, Matisse, Klee and others. These modern artists took up this inquiry in the act of creating their artwork and by seeking the single source of artistic creation and nature.

We will look at artwork and supplement this with writings by philosopher Paul Brunton and the artists themselves.

Vincent Joseph will make a presentation with group participation welcomed.

Class will be three meetings on Zoom per below. If you would like to attend please email me for a zoom link, which will be available a few days before the first class. Class is free.

  • Sunday February 23 at 7
  • Sunday March 9 at 7
  • Sunday March 23 at 7

This talk is sponsored by Wisdom’s Goldenrod.