We are a cooperative fine art gallery operated by our members from the Finger Lakes region of New York, seeking to enhance the cultural and economic vitality of our community.

Open Thursday through Sunday, Noon to 5.
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2025 Invitational Show

March 6–30

The State of the Art Gallery is honored to present the 2025 Invitational Exhibit, showcasing the work of six artists: Michael Bogin, Nicholas Daniluk, Fernando Llosa, Lin Price, Steven Skopik, and Jacob Van Langeveld. Media include drawing, painting, printmaking, and photography.

There will be an opening reception Friday, March 7, 5–8pm.

You can view the show in the gallery or online.

The participating artists will give gallery talks on their work on March 9 and 16 at 3:00. Talks will be about 10 minutes each with questions to follow.

March 9
Nicholas Daniluk, Steven Skopik, and Michael Bogin
March 16
Lin Price, Fernando Llosa, and Jake Van Langeveld

In the Salon

March 6–30

A selection of work by current members.

There will be an opening reception Friday, March 7, 5–8pm.

You can view the show in the gallery or online.

Featured Artist: Ileen Kaplan

I paint because painting makes me feel more alive. My paintings tell a story, but it is not a narrative story. It is a story of how I am inspired— by nature, by light and color, by connections with people, or by looking at art or listening to music. I live next to Seneca Lake, and every morning I walk next to the lake, taking in the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of my surroundings. Then I go into my studio and let the painting tell me what to do.

I bring as much of myself and my experiences to the canvas as I can. When I’m on track, the painting will end up having a feeling of calm excitement. That’s when I know it’s done.

To learn more about Ileen and her art visit her member page.

Open Thursday through Sunday, Noon to 5:00
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2025 Juried Photography Show